Review: Men In Black 3

Alright. Our company has free movie screening for this one which I didn’t sign up for thinking that G.p might want to watch it. But lo and behold! She didn’t want to. I was literally dragging her to watch it on my birthday but she opted for a local movie. Right!

It’s just great that an officemate who signed up actually has a dinner date that night so he gave me his ticket instead. Voila! Instant movie night.

All in all the movie was great. I was a bit late so I wasn’t able to catch the first 5minutes of the film and I was kinda busy with my phone. Checking emails, SMS, BBM and twitter. But the movie sure catches the viewers attention. Like the first two, the graphics was amazing. The storyline is actually better and I like the effects as well. As usual, Will Smith’s comic antics are superb and the action is breath taking. I would have loved to catch it on 3D. Hmmmm… It’s not too late right?! :) *ahem G.p!*

I am no movie critic and I would never claim the title. But based on a regular movie goer, this for sure is worth every penny. If you want an entertaining, funny, with the right amount of action and a little tear-jerker – visit the cinema and watch MIB3. You won’t get disappointed.

Men in Black 3 Movie MIB3 Movie Poster 2012** Photo grabbed from Google.


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